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Kathryn Pybus Counselling

Compassionate Counselling and Mental Health Support in Victoria, BC


Kathryn Pybus

I am Registered Clinical Counsellor and Professional Art Therapist practicing in Victoria, BC and online BC-wide. I have helped hundreds of clients with anxiety, depression, trauma and PTSD, interpersonal issues, self-esteem, body image, and disordered eating. If you're concerned about yourself or a loved one, please reach out to explore how counselling can help. Book a free, confidential consultation by phone, email, or online.

Kathryn Pybus mental health service provider of clinical counselling art therapy mental health support

In individual therapy, I work collaboratively with clients to address a wide range of emotional and psychological challenges. My approach is tailored to meet each client's unique needs and goals, fostering a safe and nurturing environment for personal exploration and growth.


Art therapy offers an opportunity for individuals to connect with their emotions, gain insights, and communicate their experience through art making and creative expression. I work with clients to make meaning of their reality, navigate challenges, and cultivate a healthier self-relationship.



Online therapy, also known as telehealth, is a convenient and effective option for clients who face mobility or geographic challenges, or who have busy schedules. I provide online counselling through Zoom for Health. Clients meeting online are always welcome to attend in person if ever this feels more comfortable.

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